Dental Implants vs. Dental Bridge

While losing teeth when we’re kids is common, this can also happen into adulthood. However, it’s less of a normal occurrence and more of a reason for concern. If you lose a permanent tooth, this is usually caused by an injury or decay. When this issue happens, finding a high-quality tooth replacement is essential. A few common options include dental implants and a dental bridge.

In this post, we’ll discuss some key differences between these two restorative dentistry solutions.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants can take your appearance and oral health to new heights. These incredible devices take the place of missing teeth. Dental implants feature a metal post, an abutment, and a dental crown. After the post is surgically placed into your jawbone, the abutment and crown are placed on top. This implant-to-bone fusion is what makes the device incredibly strong and durable. Some people have their implants for over 30 years!

Want to get started with dental implants in St. Louis, MO? Contact Smile Now STL to learn more!

What Is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is also a popular tooth replacement solution, but it’s less durable than dental implants. However, a bridge is still effective. These devices consist of an artificial tooth connected to dental crowns on either side of the missing space, making a “bridge.” In order to place the oral appliance, your dentist must remove a small amount of enamel from your teeth on either side of the missing tooth.

Which Option Is Best?

While most patients prefer dental implants, they’re more costly. However, they’re also more durable, so the extra money may be worth it. We recommend talking with your dentist to find the right option for your needs and budget.

If you’re ready to boost your dental health, call Smile Now STL to work with the leading dentist in St. Louis, MO!

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