Should I Get a Dental Implant or Bridge?

When you’re missing a tooth, it’s important to get a replacement. A missing permanent tooth can create many problems, including difficulty pronouncing words and chewing. Many people feel self-conscious when they’re missing a tooth, and that can impact your ability to interact with others.

Your dentist in St. Louis, MO, can help by installing a dental implant or bridge. Dental implants and bridges are very different options. Your dentist can go over the pros and cons of each with you. Here’s what to know.

About Dental Implants

A dental implant is an artificial tooth that’s implanted in the jaw. Dental implants look like real teeth and function like them, too. Once your dental implant is in place, you’ll brush and floss your teeth like always.

About Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is an artificial tooth that uses dental crowns to attach to the other teeth in the mouth. Dental bridge installation requires the dentist to shave down the tooth enamel on teeth at either side of the missing tooth. The dental bridge fills the space between the two teeth, creating a “bridge”.

Which One Is Right For You?

Whether you’re a good candidate for a dental bridge or a dental implant depends on many things, including the health of the teeth around the missing tooth and the health of your jaw.

Your dentist can help you decide if you would be better off with a dental bridge or dental implants in St. Louis, MO. To learn more about replacing your missing permanent tooth, make an appointment to discuss dental restoration. Call today.

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