Entries by Smile Now STL

Smile Now STL – Pros and Cons of Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are a top choice for vastly improving a smile. Everyone, from celebrities to everyday folks, is choosing this dental procedure to treat minor cosmetic issues like permanent stains, cracks, gaps, and crooked teeth. If you’re interested in getting dental veneers in St. Louis, MO, here’s what you should know about the pros and […]

Are Dental Veneers Right for You?

How would you like a whiter, brighter smile? Of course you would! In that case, dental veneers might be for you. But first, you’ll need to find adentist in St. Louis, MO, to do the procedure. However, before you get them, you might want to know if they are right for you. Let’s take a […]

Am I A Good Candidate for Adult Dental Implants?

Adult dental implants restore your smile after the loss of a permanent tooth. Your dentist in St. Louis, MO, can provide you with adult dental implants. An implant can fill a gap and perform like your natural teeth. Smile Now STL helps patients determine whether they’re a good candidate for implants. We offer adult dental implant […]

Can Cosmetic Dentistry Fix Periodontal Disease?

Cosmetic dentistry is a fantastic way to improve the appearance of your smile. But it’s just that: cosmetic. The various treatments available with cosmetic dentistry aren’t designed to treat oral health conditions. They are designed to make your teeth look whiter, brighter, and healthier. In short, cosmetic dentistry won’t fix periodontal disease or any other […]

Benefits of Dental Bridges to Restore Your Smile

Missing teeth can create problems of many kinds. A missing tooth can impact how you talk, chew food, smile, and interact with people. While there are different ways to address a problem, like a missing tooth, many people turn to dental bridges. Your dentist in St. Louis, MO, can discuss the many benefits of dental […]