Entries by Smile Now STL

4 Benefits of Adult Dental Implants

A missing tooth can be a problem in so many ways. When you’re missing a tooth, you may find producing certain sounds while talking hard. You may feel self-conscious when you smile and interact with others. You may even have a hard time eating certain foods. As your dentist in St. Louis, MO, the professionals […]

What Are All-On-4 Dental Implants?

All-on-4 implants are a popular choice for people who need an entire set of teeth replaced. Whether you’re missing an upper or lower set (or both), we’ll examine how the procedure works and what you can expect. What Is All-on-4? The term all-on-4 refers to the number of actual implants that a dentist uses to […]

Will Tooth Cleaning Help with Periodontal Disease?

Regular cleanings are a must in the dental world, though this term is often broad enough for the average patient to confuse exactly what these cleanings are for. Comprehensive cleanings, general cleanings, deep cleanings, scaling: every procedure is slightly different regarding what it targets and who it’s for. If you’re wondering how cleanings impact periodontal […]

What Are All-On-4 Dental Implants?

All-on-4 implants are a popular choice for people who need an entire set of teeth replaced. Whether you’re missing an upper or lower set (or both), we’ll examine how the procedure works and what you can expect. What Is All-on-4? The term all-on-4 refers to the number of actual implants that a dentist uses to […]

Which Cosmetic Dentistry Option Should You Choose?

Cosmetic dentistry can do wonders for your smile. But which cosmetic procedure should you choose? Your dentist in St. Louis, MO, can help. Which Cosmetic Dentistry Option Should You Choose? Trying to decide which cosmetic dentistry option is right for you can be difficult. But fortunately, you don’t have to do this alone. Your dentist […]