3 Reasons to Consider Adult Dental Implants
An adult dental implant is an effective tool that fills a gap left in your mouth when a permanent tooth is lost. Your dentist in St. Louis, MO, can help with this. At Smile Now STL, we install adult dental implants for patients. Below are three reasons our patients choose adult dental implants to replace missing permanent teeth.
1. Adult Dental Implants Look Natural
Each adult dental implant is topped with a crown that looks like a real tooth. Your dentist will customize your adult dental implant to fit perfectly in the space in your mouth. Your dentist will even choose the crown color to match the color of your other teeth so the dental implant won’t stick out or look unnatural in your mouth.
2. Adult Dental Implants Function Like Real Teeth
Adult dental implants can do all the same things natural teeth can do. With an adult dental implant, you should be able to speak normally and enjoy the foods you enjoyed before your permanent tooth was knocked out. This enables you to maintain a good quality of life with your adult dental implant.
3. Adult Dental Implants Are Easy to Maintain
Adult dental implants in St. Louis, MO, are easy to maintain. Brush your adult dental implant twice daily. Use non-abrasive toothpaste and a soft-bristle toothbrush. See your dentist twice annually for dental checkups, and if your dentist discovers a problem with your tooth, get it addressed as soon as possible.
Are you interested in adult dental implants? Contact the professionals at Smile Now STL to get started with the installation process.