Woman Smiling in Dental Office

Three Top Reasons to Choose a General Dentistry Practice

While every dentist is dedicated to helping patients achieve a confident, happy smile, there is much more to competent dentistry than appearance. If you want your smile to be genuine and lasting, you will want to choose your dentist based on experience and expertise in all facets of dentistry, including basic tooth care and oral health, restorative procedures, and cosmetic dentistry.

We Focus on Basic Tooth Care

At Smiles for Sharing in St. Louis, Mo., Dr. Tom O’Connor and our team are “old school professionals” who concentrate on caring for your teeth and gums, addressing problems when necessary, and using modern techniques to restore or improve function and appearance when warranted. From regular tooth examinations, cleaning, and fillings to extractions, implants, and advanced restorative techniques, including whitening or gum and tooth contouring, our practice is dedicated to assessing your needs and listening to your desires.

We Have Experience Dealing with Complex Oral Health Issues

Boasting more than 45 years of experience, our team specializes in advanced dental care for complex needs. Our patients trust us to deal with the negative effects of tooth loss, decay, misaligned teeth, and the wide variety of other dental problems that cause both visual and functional issues.

We Focus on Cosmetic Improvement

Cosmetic dental enhancement is a major component of our service. We strive to provide quality aesthetic appeal, whether we fill cavities with white tooth-colored resin or install implants to replace missing teeth or crowns. If teeth are severely discolored but healthy, we offer effective cosmetic whitening services.

Our comprehensive, personalized services are grounded on in-house 3D imaging, Cone Beam CT, and patient-specific anatomical reconstruction and image fusion that map a patient’s dental implant surgery and achieve lasting results. Why settle for less than the best?

Schedule an Appointment

Our desire at Smiles for Sharing is to ensure that you can face the present and the future with confidence and the knowledge that you have the best possible smile that can be achieved through modern dentistry. Contact us now to arrange a consultation with a member of our team.

Experience Counts When Choosing a Dentist

At Smile Now STL, we spend time with each new client to determine exactly what you expect. We pay attention to your personal wants and desires. We let you tell us what is most important when it comes to your teeth and your smile.

Our goal is to offerquality cosmetic and restorative dentistry to residents of the St. Louis area, and we understand that you want high-quality performance. It’s your mouth, after all!

Over time, the mouth, teeth and gums can be adversely affected by a number of different factors — age, wear and tear, disease, diet, lack of proper care, and other health issues. Many patients have good reasons for not wanting to smile.

But if your wish is to restore your oral health and instill not only a new look but a new attitude toward life, Dr. O’Connor and the team at Smile Now STL can be the answer to your prayers. We specialize in cosmetic and restorative dentistry that has the ability to change your life for the better.

How Do We Do This?

First, we perform a thorough examination to determine the current health of your teeth and gums, and to identify any underlying issues that may exist. The we listen to you — we ask about your desires, and your expectations, your overall health, and your habits.

Depending on the condition of your existing teeth, we talk about the need for cosmetic dental intervention, repairs to existing teeth, the need for extractions and possible implants, other restorative measures, and the need for whitening or veneers to improve your smile.

Then, we determine a plan of action based on your wants, your time frame, your age and lifestyle, our experience, and our assessment of what is needed and/or possible to improve your oral health and the appearance of your teeth and smile. We will also honestly discuss your budget and an estimated time frame to complete the work.

Then, we leave the decision in your hands. We will be ready toschedule your appointment whenever you’re ready. We like to think of restorative and cosmetic dentistry as a team effort, and we welcome you to our team.