Dental Implants vs. Dentures

You want something dependable and long-lasting when searching for a tooth replacement solution. Look no further than dental implants and dentures! Both of these options provide several benefits. If you want to see a professional about these offerings, contact Smile Now STL today! We carry the most reliable dentures and dental implants in St. Louis, MO. Call us today to get started!

In this post, we’ll discuss the key differences between dental implants and dentures.

Dental Implants: Brief Overview

Dental implants are a durable form of artificial teeth. They consist of three parts; a metal post, an abutment, and a dental crown. To start the process, you’ll have to undergo dental implant surgery, which primarily involves placing the metal post into your jawbone. Once the implant is placed, you’ll have to wait a certain amount of time for the bone to grow around the appliance. This is what creates its incredible strength. After the healing time is finished, your provider will attach the abutment and crown to finish off the process.

Dental implants are comfortable and long-lasting, and they look great! In fact, many patients say their dental implants give off a very natural appearance.

Dentures: Brief Overview

Dentures are another dependable tooth replacement option, and they consist of a device full of prosthetic teeth. Rather than being fixed to your mouth, these dental devices are removable. Another great feature is that dentures can be used no matter the health or strength of your jawbone. With dental implants, you must have enough healthy bone in your jaw to accommodate the device.

Dentures are considered comfortable to many, but not as comfortable as dental implants. Also, properly caring for your dentures can be a hassle, while dental implants don’t require any special maintenance tasks.

Dental Implants and Dentures at Smile Now STL

Contact Smile Now STL today to get started with dentures or dental implants! We have the most trusted dentist in St. Louis, MO, so you’ll always be in good hands with us. Call us today!

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