Foods to Avoid for Optimal Dental Health

Foods can be great for our teeth! From providing nutrients to strengthening our enamel, several foods benefit our oral health. However, while some foods are beneficial, other foods can be harmful.

In this post, we’ll discuss some foods to avoid for optimal dental health.

Sticky Foods

While they may be tasty, sticky foods can be a nightmare for your teeth. This even includes healthy foods like dried fruit. Unfortunately, these foods easily stick to your teeth and can stay there for long periods, which isn’t healthy for your enamel.

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Starchy Foods

Starchy food items, like potato chips, are another common food that can harm your teeth and gums. That’s because starch tends to get trapped between your teeth, leading to a buildup of bacteria. If you choose to eat starchy foods, make sure you’re flossing regularly to remove any trapped food particles.


While not technically a food, it’s still something people chew on often. Unfortunately, this habit is unhealthy for our teeth. When you chew ice, it’s very possible to crack a tooth or wear down your enamel. Frequent ice chewing can lead to serious problems down the line.


Other healthy foods you may want to limit include oranges, lemons, limes, and other citrus fruits. Although they’re tasty and nutritious, they’re also highly acidic, which isn’t good for our teeth. Consider cutting back if you consume these fruits on a daily basis.

Hard and Chewy Candies

Avoiding candy should be a no-brainer when it comes to your dental health. These foods are loaded with sugar, which can wear down your enamel and make your teeth more prone to problems. While you should avoid most candy, hard and chewy candies are even worse.

Avoiding the foods above can keep your teeth healthy for many years to come! To learn more about this topic, contact Smile Now STL today! We have the leading dentist in St. Louis, MO.

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