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How Can I Tell If My Filling Fell Out?

Fillings can stay in your mouth for a very long time, but eventually, fillings fall out. If this happens, you may notice a range of symptoms.

When you know how to tell that a filling has fallen out, it’s easier to tell that you need help from a dentist in St. Louis, MO. If you think that you may have lost a filling, talk to your dentist. Your dentist will be able to tell whether you have lost a filling or another dental problem has occurred.

Signs Your Filling Fell Out

If your filling falls out, you may actually feel the filling in your mouth. Spit out the filling out! Try not to swallow it.

You may feel pain as soon as it falls out, or you may notice that your tooth is sensitive. You may also be able to feel the hole in your tooth. This hole in your tooth is one of the most obvious signs that your filling has fallen out.

How Long Do Fillings Last?

Composite (tooth-colored) fillings last about 5 to 7 years, while amalgam fillings (silver or black fillings) last 15 years or more. You can make your fillings last longer by visiting the dentist regularly and avoiding chewing on anything that isn’t food (like a pen cap or ice).

What to Do If Your Filling Fell Out

If your filling falls out, you could be at risk for a range of problems like dental decay and dental infection. See your dentist for cavity fillings in St. Louis, MO. The dentist can hlep you get treatment. Your dentist will be able to clean out the hole, remove any decayed tooth enamel, and install a new filling. Call today.

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