How Does a Dental Bridge Work?

Our teeth and gums are vital to our health. That said, if you lose a tooth from decay or injury, it’s important to find a replacement solution as soon as possible. While there are various options on the market today, you can’t go wrong with a dental bridge.

Keep reading to learn more about dental bridges, including how they work.

What Is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a device used to replace missing teeth. It’s common to get a bridge after losing a tooth from injury or decay. Unlike dental implants, bridges don’t involve surgery. As the name implies, a dental bridge creates a “bridge” over the missing space in your mouth. These devices are usually supported by dental crowns, which are placed on the neighboring teeth of the empty space.

Want to get started with a dental bridge in St. Louis, MO? Smile Now STL has you covered! Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced dentist.

Types of Dental Bridges & How They Work

A standard dental bridge may not work for everyone. That said, patients can choose from a variety of options.

Take a look at the different types of dental bridges below:

Traditional Bridge

As we discussed, these bridges work with artificial teeth supported by dental crowns on both sides of the missing space.

Cantilever Dental Bridge

These work much like a standard bridge, but the appliance is supported by one crown instead of two.

Maryland Dental Bridge

This device uses metal wings for support rather than dental crowns. The wings are bonded to the backside of neighboring teeth.

Implant-Supported Bridge

These bridges work very similarly to the traditional type, but dental implants are used for support instead of natural teeth. The device is connected to dental implants on either side of the missing space.

If you’re ready to try a dental bridge for yourself, call Smile Now STL today! We’re proud to have the leading dentist in St. Louis, MO!

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