
Restorative Dentistry Procedures to Fix Your Injured Tooth

An injured tooth can be a painful problem to have. Your dentist in St. Louis MO can fix your problem using restorative dentistry procedures. Restorative dentistry is a category of dentistry that can correct damage and strengthen your tooth enamel for everyday use.

Whether you have a cavity or a broken tooth, restorative dentistry can help fix the problem. If you’re missing a tooth, restorative dentistry can replace it. Below, we’ve discussed three restorative dentistry procedures that can help fix your teeth.

1. Cavity Fillings

A cavity is a pit that forms in your tooth enamel. Cavities happen because of tooth decay caused by bacteria, sugary foods, and poor oral hygiene habits. Cavities can be painful, and if not addressed quickly, can lead to a dental infection.

Cavity fillings can fix this problem. Fillings fill the hole and stop dental decay from continuing. Cavity fillings can save the tooth. If you have a painful toothache, you might have a cavity. We can help.

2. Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a protective cover placed over the tooth to seal and protect broken teeth. If your tooth has a crack or a break, a dental crown can help fix the problem.

3. Dental Implants

If you’re missing a tooth, a dental implant can restore your smile by filling the hole. Dental implants make talking and chewing easier as well.

Do you need restorative dentistry in St. Louis, MO? The professionals at Smile Now STL can help. To get started repairing or replacing your injured tooth, contact us to make an appointment.

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